Fair usages policy

Fair Use Policy for Broadband Internet Connectivity

Eastlink Broadband’s Fair Use Policy is designed to make sure that your broadband service is great value, fast and reliable whenever you use it.

Why do we have a Fair Use Policy? At peak times, a lot of customers use the shared network bandwidth at any one time.

A very small number of our customers use their broadband service inappropriately, for example when sending or downloading very large files, or using ‘peer to peer’ and file sharing software (which may be sending and receiving video and other large files constantly). This means that service quality for all users is affected, making it slower for everyone to access the internet or send and receive emails, especially at peak times. Peak times may fluctuate between 6AM to 10 PM, Sunday to Friday.

The vast majority of our customers use their service considerately and their usage levels during peak hours don’t disproportionately affect the shared network capacity. Even though only a very small number of our customers use the service inappropriately, their activity does greatly affect the service. Our Fair Use Policy manages inappropriate use and makes sure the service can be used fairly by everyone.

How does the Fair Use Policy work? If you regularly use the service inappropriately during peak hours, and we believe this is unfairly affecting other customers’ use of the service, we’ll manage your bandwidth during peak times (which could result in reduced service speeds).

If you continue to use your service inappropriately we reserve the right to end your agreement with us and will give you notice before doing so.

How do I know if the Fair Use Policy affects me? Our Fair Use Policy applies to all our customers but it’ll only actually affect you if you’re one of the very few customers who make inappropriate use of our service.

If you don’t use peer to peer, file sharing or other inappropriate software and you’re not, for example, constantly downloading or uploading: videos or very large files, you’re unlikely to be affected by our Fair Use Policy.

What else do I need to bear in mind? All ELT Broadband users must comply with relevant copyright and intellectual property laws.

Please note that some activities, such as using peer to peer or file sharing software, may contravene these laws. Under our terms and conditions, any illegal use of your service will be a breach of your contract and will allow us to end your service.

Thank you for your co-operation

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